Termékek tejes tej (767)



Lactose is natural milk sugar. It makes up 3.5%-5.0% of cow's milk and can be extracted by a filtration process. Then the lactose is crystallized and crushed. The grain sizes are divided by mesh. Foodcom can supply its Business Partners with different particle sizes suitable for multiple applications. Lactose is one of the best dairy ingredients for food and feed due to its mild taste, white color and low calorie content. Its cheapness, low hygroscopicity and water solubility contribute to its popularity. It can be used in the production of pastry, confectionery and chocolate as a flavor enhancer and sweetener. Lactose is an important ingredient in pharmaceutical and nutritional use.
Gouda 48% ZS

Gouda 48% ZS

Il Gouda 48% è un formaggio giallo olandese prodotto con latte di mucca. Prende il nome dalla città di Gouda nei Paesi Bassi. È un formaggio di tipo stagionato (semiduro). Il Gouda è uno dei formaggi più apprezzati in tutto il mondo. È disponibile in molti tipi diversi, con diversi contenuti di grassi (i più popolari - 45% e 48%) e forme. Ha un sapore delicato che diventa più forte con la durata del processo di stagionatura. Il Gouda 48% è destinato principalmente al consumo, pasticceria e panetteria. Foodcom S.A. può fornire Gouda adatto per ulteriori lavorazioni: affettare, grattugiare o sminuzzare. Grazie alla nostra esperienza possiamo offrire anche Gouda a basso contenuto di sale che garantisce un gusto più saporito.


La lactosa es uno de los mejores ingredientes lácteos para aplicaciones de alimentos y piensos debido a su delicado sabor, color blanco y bajo contenido de calorías. Su rentabilidad, baja higroscopicidad y solubilidad en agua contribuyen a su popularidad. Se puede utilizar en la fabricación de pastelería, confitería y chocolate como potenciador del sabor y edulcorante. La lactosa es un ingrediente importante en el uso farmacéutico y nutricional.


Le lactose est le sucre naturel du lait. Il représente 3,5% à 5,0% du lait de vache et peut être extrait par un procédé de filtration. Ensuite, le lactose est cristallisé et broyé. Les tailles de grains sont divisées par maille. Foodcom peut fournir à ses partenaires commerciaux différentes tailles de particules adaptées à de multiples applications. Le lactose est l'un des meilleurs ingrédients laitiers pour l'alimentation humaine et animale en raison de son goût doux, de sa couleur blanche et de sa faible teneur en calories. Son bon marché, sa faible hygroscopicité et sa solubilité dans l'eau contribuent à sa popularité. Il peut être utilisé dans la production de pâtisserie, de confiserie et de chocolat comme exhausteur de goût et édulcorant. Le lactose est un ingrédient important dans l'utilisation pharmaceutique et nutritionnelle.
UHT tej

UHT tej

Uht Milk
CSECSEMŐKNEK VALÓ TEJTERMÉK DANALAC ELSŐ FÁZIS - Csecsemőtápszer 0-6 hónapos korig (Baba tej)

CSECSEMŐKNEK VALÓ TEJTERMÉK DANALAC ELSŐ FÁZIS - Csecsemőtápszer 0-6 hónapos korig (Baba tej)

INFANT FORMULA DANALAC® DANALAC standard infant formulae is a 3-stage infant nutrition item available from DANA Dairy. * Composition close to mothers' breast milk * Strengthens the bone structure * Formula adapted to the nutritional needs of the infant * Essential fatty acid * Contributes to the brain and retinal development * Support overall mental and physical development * Sustaining Healthy Growth * Twenty-four times more Iron than cow milk * Limited protein intake for natural growth * Great source of energy for toddlers Nutritional Benefits: Inositol: in nerve transmission helps transport fats in the body. It’s too necessary for the healthy developing of cell membranes. Taurine: Helps to support overall mental and physical development. Linoleic acid (Omega 6) & α-linolenic acid (Omega 3): they are needed for fetal growth, brain development, learning, and behavior.
DANALAC KETTŐS SZAKASZÚ CSECSEMŐTEJ - Csecsemőtej 6 hónaptól 1 éves korig

DANALAC KETTŐS SZAKASZÚ CSECSEMŐTEJ - Csecsemőtej 6 hónaptól 1 éves korig

FORMULA INFANTIL DANALAC® Las formulas infantiles DANALAC de DANA Dairy cuentan con 3 etapas para la nutrición infantil. * La composición es similar a la leche materna * Fortalece la estructura ósea * Fórmula adaptada a las necesidades nutricionales de los bebés * Ácidos grasos esenciales * Contribuyen al Desarrollo del cerebro y la retina * Apoyan al desarrollo mental y físico * Sostienen un crecimiento saludable * 24 veces más hierro que la leche de vaca * Ingesta limitada de proteínas para el crecimiento natural * Gran Fuente de energía para bebés Beneficios nutricionales: Inositol: es necesario para el desarrollo saludable de las membranas celulares Taurina: ayuda a lograr el desarrollo mental y físico Ácido linoleico (Omega 6) & ácido α-linolénico (Omega 3): son necesarios para el crecimiento fetal, el desarrollo del cerebro, el aprendizaje y el comportamiento. Contenido neto :400g Embalaje :12x400g por caja Lata de hojalata :interior liso, por fuera letra blanca + 4 colores Cierre :Tapa fácil Tapa :Tapa de plástico Fondo :interior liso, exterior laqueado transparente Cuchara :8,7 mL incluida Caja :Marrón, envolvente, con impression ink-jet Origen :Europeo Cantidad minima de pedido :910 cajas en un contenedor de 20 pies
Nestle NIDO Lacto-Ease kisgyermek tejpor

Nestle NIDO Lacto-Ease kisgyermek tejpor

Nestle NIDO Lacto-Ease peutermelkpoeder
Tejfehérje-koncentrátum 80% (MPC)

Tejfehérje-koncentrátum 80% (MPC)

Milk Protein Concentrate (MPC) is a highly concentrated milk powder that typically contains 80% milk protein. It is derived from fresh, pasteurized skim milk through a process of filtration, evaporation, and spray drying. MPC is known for its exceptional foaming, texturing, water-binding, and coagulation properties. It owes its excellent nutritional value to its high concentration of protein. It has a shelf life of 24 months and is available in 25 kg bags and Big Bags. MPC is a viable alternative to Whole Milk Powder or Skimmed Milk Powder, offering comparable protein levels.
Anhidrált Tejzsír (AMF)

Anhidrált Tejzsír (AMF)

La matière grasse laitière anhydre (AMF) peut être fabriquée à partir de beurre ou de crème 35 % à 45 %, selon la saison. Le processus de production consiste à éliminer presque toute l'eau et les solides non gras à l'aide de centrifugeuses. Grâce à cela, le produit est plus facile à conserver et à stocker car il contient moins d'eau.
Teljes állati zsírból készült párolt tej, könnyű nyitással

Teljes állati zsírból készült párolt tej, könnyű nyitással

Leite DANA integral evaporado em lata de 410g de fácil abertura e com 7,5% - O Leite integral evaporado DANA é produzido a partir de leite de vaca fresco. Nós removemos mais de metade do teor de água do leite fresco através de um processo de aquecimento e, em seguida, vedamos e conservamos o produto em latas de 410g para uma vida de prateleira de longa duração. Nosso leite evaporado é um leite condensado sem açúcar. Você só precisaria apenas adicionar água na quantidade certa para restaurar o produto ao leite normal. O leite evaporado DANA é ideal para adicionar ao café e ao chá. O leite evaporado DANA é um produto de qualidade premium e ótima apresentação visual nas prateleiras de supermercados. O peso bruto é de 410g e a cor do leite é de creme com um tom monótono claro. É envasado em latas de 410g de fácil abertura. Há 48 latas em cada caixa. O teor de gordura do produto é de 7,5% e o teor de proteína é de 6%. Sua vida de prateleira é de 12 meses.
Zsírtartalmú tejporok (FFMP)

Zsírtartalmú tejporok (FFMP)

Fat Filled Milk Powder (FFMP) is a dairy product that is created by blending high-quality skimmed milk and vegetable fat. This mixture is then spray-dried to create a creamy, milky powder with a delicate scent and flavor. The shelf life of Fat Filled Milk Powder is approximately 12 months, making it a reliable and convenient ingredient for food manufacturers and producers. It is available in individual packages in 4-layers 25 kg bags, which are designed to protect the product from external factors and ensure its quality and freshness. FFMP with a protein content of less than 20% is known for its thermostability, making it an ideal ingredient for dairy-based drinks, coffee creams, soup premixes, confectionery, baked goods, and reconstituted milk.
Nestlé Carnation Tej

Nestlé Carnation Tej

Nestle Carnation Milk
DANA UHT TEJ HDPE műanyag palackokban kupakkal - Teljes tej és félig zsíros UHT tej HDPE palackokban 250 ml

DANA UHT TEJ HDPE műanyag palackokban kupakkal - Teljes tej és félig zsíros UHT tej HDPE palackokban 250 ml

One of Dana Dairy's best sellers is the HDPE bottles Our plastic bottle is an effective light packaging for milk with maximum versatility. It is the ideal packaging for UHT milk that looks great on store shelves. This product is produced in France with long shelf life, easy storage and easy-to-use packing, Our UHT milk is favored in many parts of the world due to its great taste and ease of use. Our Dana UHT Milk in plastic bottles is available in Full Cream 3.5% fat and Semi Skimmed 1.5% Ultra High Temperature treated milk in blue & red caps. The efficiency is due to the fact that you would only need to keep the product at room temperature for as long as the package has not been opened.
DANA Sűrített Tej - Kapható 400g vagy 1kg-os konzervben

DANA Sűrített Tej - Kapható 400g vagy 1kg-os konzervben

Consulte a Dana Dairy sobre o leite condensado de qualidade superior e reconhecida mundialmente. Nós oferecemos o leite condensado em latas de 400g ou 1Kg, o que garante um longo tempo de vida de prateleira, assim como a frescura e a qualidade do produto. Nós temos todos os tipos de leite condensado para atender às suas necessidades. - nosso leite condensado é elaborado a partir do leite de vaca fresco tanto na versão com leite integral como na versão com leite desnatado e gordura vegetal adicionada - leite condensado de leite integral contém a gordura natural da vaca (gordura animal) - leite condensado de gordura vegetal adicionada é elaborado a partir do leite desnatado, no qual a gordura animal é substituída pela gordura vegetal comestível Nós também podemos oferecer leite condensado a partir do leite em pó pulverizado tanto na versão de leite integral como na versão com leite desnatado e gordura vegetal. Este produto é destinado ao uso industrial.
Nestlé Nido Piros Kupak Tejpótló

Nestlé Nido Piros Kupak Tejpótló

Nestle Nido Red Cap Milk Powder
Zsírral dúsított tejpor (FFMP)

Zsírral dúsított tejpor (FFMP)

Mleko w proszku nadziewane tłuszczem jest wytwarzane przez zmieszanie tłuszczu roślinnego i wysokiej jakości odtłuszczonego mleka. Ta mieszanina jest następnie suszona rozpyłowo. Mleko w proszku nadziewane tłuszczem może być całkowitym lub tylko częściowym substytutem pełnego mleka w proszku / pełnotłustego mleka w proszku, ponieważ jest bardziej ekonomiczne. Można to osiągnąć dzięki zbliżonym właściwościom organoleptycznym, fizycznym i chemicznym.
Nestlé Anjermilk

Nestlé Anjermilk

Nestlé Anjermelk
DANA UHT Tej csavaros kupakkal - Dana Dairy 1 LITER ÉS 500 ML

DANA UHT Tej csavaros kupakkal - Dana Dairy 1 LITER ÉS 500 ML

Dana Full Cream 3.5% | Semi-Skimmed UHT Cow Milk 12 months shelf life - Our UHT milk in tetra paks is our leading product sold in many local markets around the world. Our 1-liter and 500 ml tetrapak Brik UHT milk comes in full cream, semi-skimmed milk as well as nonfat skimmed milk variations. Your consumers will love our tetra paks for their ease-of-use, east-of-storage, and is easy to carry. Dana UHT milk is long-life milk that comes with 12 months of storage life. The unopened tetrapak can be stored at room temperature. Only when the pack is opened, it should be refrigerated and consumed within a few days. We make our UHT milk from fresh cow milk. The milk is processed and packed according to the European standard. DANA UHT milk has been welcomed with large success in many African countries, the GCC, and the Far East countries. DANA Full Cream UHT milk is a source of Calories, calcium, protein, with 3.5% fat in each liter of milk.
DANA ÉDESÍTETT SŰRÍTETT TELJES TEJ - Teljes tej, állati zsír, 397g, 1kg, nagykereskedelmi csomagolás

DANA ÉDESÍTETT SŰRÍTETT TELJES TEJ - Teljes tej, állati zsír, 397g, 1kg, nagykereskedelmi csomagolás

DANA SWEETENED CONDENSED FULL CREAM MILK IS SWEET AND DELICIOUSLY CREAMY TASTING, DANA’s Sweetened Condensed Milk is produced using fresh cow milk as always. In our full cream animal fat version, 100% of the natural cow milk fat content remains with the milk that is used to produce the product. We use a special heating process to remove over half of the water content of the milk. We then mix in the right amount of sugar to create a rich and smooth mixture you know as sweetened condensed milk. Preserved and sealed, our sweetened condensed milk has a long-lasting shelf life and will bring a valuable additional tool for your homemade recipe. You can use our Full Cream Sweetened Condensed Milk for a waste variety of recipes. DANA Sweetened Condensed Milk is also a great additive for tea and coffee. Also, mixed with cold water, the product will create a refreshing beverage to quench your thirst. if you're looking to produce your own brand we are here to produce private label. MADE FROM FRESH COW'S MILK - Fat content min. 8% - Fat-free dry milk min. 20% Full Cream Milk:EASY OPEN LID - don't need any tools on your adventure to open this delicious creamy condensed milk
Párolt Tej Teljes Tejállomány Állati Zsír Könnyen Nyitható Doboz 410g

Párolt Tej Teljes Tejállomány Állati Zsír Könnyen Nyitható Doboz 410g

Dana Full Cream Evaporated milk 410 gr in easy open tins 7.5% animal fat content - DANA Evaporated Milk is produced from fresh cow milk. We remove over half the water content of fresh milk through a heating process and then seal and preserve the product in 410 gr tins for a long lasting shelf-life. Our Evaporated milk is an unsweetened condensed milk. You would only need only to add water in the right amount to restore the product into regular milk. DANA Evaporated milk is a perfect additive for coffee and tea. Dana Evaporated Milk is favored in many countries including countries in the North Africa, Middle East as well as Latin America. Dana Evaporated Milk is a premium product that looks great on all supermarket shelves. The gross weight is 410 grams and the milk color is light cream with the light drab tone. It is packed in 410gr easy open tins. There are 48 tins in a carton. Product's fat content is 7.5% and Protein content 6%. Its shelf life is 12 months. Gross weight :410 grams x 48 per carton Colour:Light cream with light drab tone Consistence :Creamy Total solids (not less than) :25% Non‐fat milk solids (not less than) :17,5% Proteins (not less than) :6,7% Titrable acidity (not more than) :0,45% Fat per 100g:7,5g Proteins:6g Carbohydrates :10,2g Energy :132 kcal / 553 kJ Storage:not longer than 18 months at a temperature of not up 25ºC Packing: :48 cans per box Shelf life :12 months
Anhidrus tejzsír (AMF)

Anhidrus tejzsír (AMF)

Anhydrous Milk Fat (AMF) can be made from butter or 35%-45% cream, depending on the season. The production process consists of removing almost all the water and non-fat solids with the use of centrifuges. Thanks to this, the product is easier to preserve and store as it contains less water.


DANA MILK POWDER IN TINS, SACHETS, AND POUCHES Our DANA TINS comes in tins of 400gr, 900gr, as well as 2500gr sizes. Our DANA SACHETS comes in 15gr and 20gr packages Our DANA POUCHES OF 400, 900, 1.8, & 2250 GRAMS This is a great family size product that brings our finest quality milk powder to your market. DANA MILK POWDER IN TYPES FULL CREAM MILK POWDER Our FCMP and IFCMP is made from pure, fresh cow’s milk. The milk powder is produced through a High Temperature Spray Dry process. The powder, when mixed again with water, carries the original, pure-homogenous, and full taste of fresh milk. FAT FILLED MILK POWDER As a healthy and economical replacement for full cream milk, our FFMP and IFFMP are produced by mixing vegetable fat with our top quality skimmed milk powder. The product is mainly used in various confectioneries, bakery, and other industries as well as being used as a healthy drink-mix milk substitute.
Újraalkotott Tejpúder (FFMP)

Újraalkotott Tejpúder (FFMP)

Le lait en poudre engraissé est fabriqué en mélangeant de la graisse végétale et du lait écrémé de haute qualité. Ce mélange est ensuite atomisé. Le lait en poudre écrémé peut être un substitut total ou partiel du lait entier en poudre / du lait entier en poudre car il est plus économique. Il peut être obtenu grâce à des propriétés organoleptiques, physiques et chimiques similaires.
DANA Sűrített Tej - Kapható 400g vagy 1kg-os konzervákban

DANA Sűrített Tej - Kapható 400g vagy 1kg-os konzervákban

Consúltenos acerca de nuestra leche condensada de calidad superior y reconocida en todo el mundo. Ofrecemos la leche condensada en latas de 400g o en latas de 1kg, lo que garantiza una larga vida útil, así como la frescura y calidad del producto. Tenemos todo tipo de leche condensada para satisfacer sus necesidades. Nuestra leche condensada se prepara a partir de leche de vaca fresca, tanto en la versión con leche entera como en la versión con leche descremada y grasa vegetal añadida. La leche condensada entera contiene la grasa natural del leche de vaca (grasa animal). La leche condensada añadida con grasa vegetal es producida a partir de leche descremada de manera que la grasa animal se sustituye por grasa vegetal comestible. Este producto tiene muchas aplicaciones en mercados relacionados con la salud.
Azonnali teljes tejpor + teljes zsírtartalmú tejpor - magas hőmérsékleten spray szárított tejpor

Azonnali teljes tejpor + teljes zsírtartalmú tejpor - magas hőmérsékleten spray szárított tejpor

DANA-Milchpulver in Dosen, Sachets und Beuteln Unsere DANA Dosen gibt es in 400 g, 900 g sowie 2500 g Packungen. Unsere DANA Sachets gibt es in 15 g und 20 g Packungen Unsere DANA Beuteln mit 400, 900, 1800 & 2250 Gramm Dies is ein großartiges Produkt in Familiengröße, das unser hochwertigstes Milchpulver auf Ihren Markt bringt. DANA-Milchpulver in den Sorten VOLLMILCHPULVER Unser Vollmilchpulver und Instant-Vollmilchpulver wird aus reiner, frischer Kuhmilch hergestellt. Das Milchpulver wird durch ein Hochtemperatur-Sprühtrocknungsverfahren hergestellt. Das Pulver trägt, wenn es erneut mit Wasser gemischt wird, den ursprünglichen, rein homogenen und vollen Geschmack frischer Milch. FETT GEFÜLLTES MILCHPULVER --Als gesunder und wirtschaftlicher Ersatz für Vollmilch werden unsere Fett gefüllten Milchpulver und Instant-Fett gefüllten Milchpulver durch Mischen von Pflanzenfett mit unserem hochwertigen Magermilchpulver hergestellt.
Sűrített töltött tej - Növényi zsír, zsírtartalmú tej, 380g/1kg, konzervdobozok.

Sűrített töltött tej - Növényi zsír, zsírtartalmú tej, 380g/1kg, konzervdobozok.

DANA SWEETENED CONDENSED FILLED MILK IS SWEET AND DELICIOUSLY CREAMY TASTING, DANA Sweetened Condensed filled milk processed under hygienic conditions using skimmed milk powder, sugar, and vegetable fat. It is homogenized and pasteurized to guarantee quality. Our Sweetened Condensed Filled Milk carries a homogeneous and smooth appearance, with a light creamy color. It tastes milky and sweet, Package sizes: 380g x 24 cans 380g x 48 cans 1kg x 24 cans if you're looking for produce your own brand we are here to produce private label.
Aromás UHT tej - A DANA aromás UHT tej 100%-ban friss tejből készült.

Aromás UHT tej - A DANA aromás UHT tej 100%-ban friss tejből készült.

DANA Aromatisierte H-Milch besteht zu 100% aus frischer Milch. Dies ist eine haltbare H-Milchprodukt, das bei Raumtemperatur mit einer Haltbarkeitszeit von 11 Monaten geliefert wird. Die Milch ist in 200-ml-Tetra-Paks verpackt und wird zum einfachen Verzehr mit Teleskop-Trinkhalm geliefert. Derzeit bieten wir folgende Geschmacksrichtungen an: Kakao (echtes Kakaopulver) Milch mit Erdbeergeschmack Milch mit Bananengeschmack Milch mit Vanillegeschmack H-Vollmilch Größe: 200ml oder 20 cl Packung      :Tetrapack Trinkhalm          :mit Teleskop-Trinkhalm Haltbarkeit :11 Monate Karton :weiß Anzahl Packungen pro Karton :24x200g pro Karton Mindestbestellmenge :3920 Kartons Ein 20ft FCL : Trockencontainer
DANA Hosszú Élettartamú Tej 3,5% Zsír 200 ml csomagok. - Dana UHT teje az európai műszaki szabványoknak megfelelően készül és csomagolódik.

DANA Hosszú Élettartamú Tej 3,5% Zsír 200 ml csomagok. - Dana UHT teje az európai műszaki szabványoknak megfelelően készül és csomagolódik.

Dana’s full cream milk or whole milk contains the natural fat content of the milk without any being removed. This is usually 3.5% of the total weight of the milk. Full cream milk brings with itself the natural and wholesome taste of cow’s milk along with its smooth texture and feel. Our Dana products are produced and processed according to European technical standards for “Ultra High Temperature” milk production. The process allows for the long-life characteristic of the milk while the package is not opened and it is stored at normal room temperature. Once the package is opened, the product should be kept refrigerated at all times and should be consumed as quickly as possible. Size:200ml Packing:tetrapack Straw:With straw Shelf life :11 months Carton:White No. of packs per carton:24x200gm per carton Minimum quantity of order:3920 carton One 20ft container:Dry container
Tejzsírpor (TJP)

Tejzsírpor (TJP)

Milchfettpulver wird durch Mischen von Pflanzenfett und hochwertiger Magermilch hergestellt. Diese Mischung wird dann sprühgetrocknet. Milchfettpulver kann ein vollständiger oder nur teilweiser Vollmilchpulver / Vollmilchpulverersatz sein. Dies kann dank ähnlicher organoleptischer, physikalischer und chemischer Eigenschaften erreicht werden. Dies ermöglicht es, die Kosten zu senken und gleichzeitig die hohe Qualität beizubehalten. Meistens wird Kokos- oder Palmöl verwendet, um den häufigsten Fettgehalt von 26 bis 28% im Produkt sicherzustellen. Foodcom kann seinen Geschäftspartnern FFMP auch mit anderen Fettgehalten versorgen.